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A Message for Father's Day

Hello Patriots, 

As we celebrate Father’s Day today, here’s a quick message for you dads out there.

Over the last few years, we have seen fatherhood and masculinity heavily under attack.

One way to know the value of something is to look closely out how the mainstream media and our woke society attacks that thing. 

Fatherhood is absolutely critical for the foundation of a strong and lasting society.

The value that they bring to a family is readily apparent when we look at the statistics of what happens to many children when a dad is not present in the home.

Today I want to share a few thoughts on things I have learned while being a dad.

And mostly I want to confirm to all of the dads out there how important your role is and how valued you are inside your families.

This privilege of being a dad is one of God’s greatest blessings to us.

I am also very grateful for my dad and the value he has brought to my life.


Be the Change You Want to See in Your Kids

Over the last few years, I have thought often about the way my kids are developing.

One day I was observing one of my kids and was wondering why they were struggling to develop a certain attribute.

It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that I hadn’t fully developed that attribute myself.

That is when I learned that if I want to see a change in my kids, I have to be that change myself.

If I want them to be more fit physically, they need to see me exercising – and preferably, they should be exercising with me.

If I want them to be more discipled, I need to show them discipline inside my own life.

Wanting to see our kids develop the best inside of themselves really helps motivate us as dads to be the best that we can be.

As we let our kids see us improve, it will inspire them to do the same.


Dads Don’t Have to Be Perfect

I used to feel like as a dad I needed to be perfect – as I am sure many of you have felt.

But what I have come to realize is that there is an important balance between showing strength and resolve and being humbly imperfect.

One day I acted impulsively and got after one of my kids - when patience would have been a more suitable response.

It was right before they went to bed and it was bugging me.

I went into my kid’s room and told them I was sorry and explained that even dads aren’t perfect.

Those simple words not only lifted a weight off of me, but my child responded very well.

Having your kids hear you say sorry when you slip up, teaches them that you are humble enough to admit when you are wrong.

That gives them the courage to do the same.

Because of the challenges of being a dad; unfortunately, it feels like there are way more opportunities for me to say sorry than I would like to admit.

Your kids don’t expect perfection.

What they do expect is a strong individual who can lead the family and who can also admit and say sorry when they fall short.

For me, this has helped strengthen my relationship with my kids. 


Teach your Kids Truth   

We have all heard the question: what would you tell your 10-year-old self if you could go back in time?

We all have wisdom that has been gained over our lives.

One of the greatest opportunities of being a dad is sharing those truths and experiences with our kids.

While we can’t go back in time to talk with our younger selves, what’s better is being able to teach those insights to our kids.

One of the greatest joys for me, in being a dad, is counseling with my kids.

The world is ready and willing to teach untruths to our kids, and I find it my duty to teach them truth so they are prepared when they hear the nonsense.

When my kids hear something at school, with their friends, or in movies; we often hear then call out the untruths they see and hear.

What a great feeling that is to see your kids be able to understand and decipher truth.

They will learn by their own experiences, but if I can help my kids get a step ahead by dispelling what wisdom I have, what a great opportunity.


Final Thoughts

I have no illusions when it comes to the difficulties of being a dad.

With the pressure of work and life, sometimes the last thing I want to do when I get home is parent.

It’s not easy, but it is the greatest blessing I have had in my life.

It has made me stretch myself to be better.

Never underestimate the importance of what you are doing as a dad and as a role model in your kid’s life.

You’re not going be perfect at it, but that’s not the point and your kids don’t expect it. 

As you push yourself to improve and let your kids witness that, they will inherently follow your lead.

As you set the example for good in your home, they will desire to be good themselves.

The world wants you to believe that fatherhood and patriarchy is a bad thing, but I am here to tell you there is no more noble of a calling that you can be involved in than being a dad.

Keep pushing forward, don’t give up, and enjoy the ride – because your kids need that example from their dad!

 Happy Father’s Day!


Thanks for reading, 
Darron Rowley

Founder of Freedom Elements

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