Gratitude for Thanksgiving
Hello Patriots,
Something irregular has happened in my social media feed this week.
Something that we have needed for a long time.
Many of the people I am following are talking about gratitude.
Because of this, there is less negativity and more kindness.
We all know that this is not typical of social media.
This is especially true for the toxic election cycle we just went through.
How it Came About
On Friday the 20th of November, the religious leader of my faith posted a video talking about GRATITUDE.
He talked about how gratitude has the power to heal us emotionally and spiritually.
He also talked about how it can drive out hate and division.
He then went on to challenge us to use the hashtag #givethanks to post something on social media that we are grateful for each day – and encouraged us to do it for the next seven days.
And the response?
I have seen my social media feed go from toxicity to gratitude.
It has had a profound impact on the way that I have felt because the gratitude that others are sharing has help me to be more grateful myself.
As I have posted about my gratitude, it has caused me to reflect on things in my life that I am grateful for.
It truly has been powerful for me emotionally and spiritually.
It has helped me to realize that we as Americans are more than just our politics.
It has helped me realize that life really is about helping and lifting others.
Focus on Gratitude
I recognize this sounds cliché but I want to challenge all of us to focus on Gratitude during this week of Thanksgiving.
For some of us it may be easy to be grateful because the blessings in our lives may be abundant.
For some of us, perhaps we feel surrounded by darkness and those blessings seem non-existent.
Life sometimes does feel like a roller coaster.
Sometimes it feels like nothing can go wrong.
Other times it feels like nothing can go right.
We have all felt it.
But, one thing I am confident in is that there is always something to be grateful for.
And the more we focus on that gratitude, the more aware we are of it, and the more we will see it in our lives.
What we focus on is what we attract.
A Few Things I am Grateful for
I am grateful to my God for his goodness and mercy.
I feel grateful to know that despite my weaknesses, that each day I can start anew and try to be a little bit better than the day before.
I am grateful for the guidance He gives me.
I am grateful for this country.
I know I often take our freedom for granted, but am so grateful for what that freedom allows us.
It truly is the greatest country in the world.
I am grateful for Patriotism.
I am grateful that there are so many patriots out there – like yourself – who love what freedom stand for.
I am grateful for you!
I am grateful for our military and their families.
I am grateful for our first responders.
These individuals are heroes and I am grateful for their sacrifice.
I am grateful for my family and our health.
I have been blessed with an amazing wife and four awesome children.
I am grateful for the joy family brings into my life.
I am grateful for a prosperous economy.
This is another area that I know I take for granted.
Despite the challenges that Covid has brought to so many of us, as a country we still enjoy more abundance than most places on this earth.
For that I am grateful.
Focus on Gratitude
For you, the areas that you feel gratitude in may be different than mine.
Regardless of how grateful you feel, or how well life seems to be going for you and your loved ones, I hope we can all focus on gratitude.
I am confident that as we do, it will change who we are.
We will be:
More Tolerant
More Loving
More Patient
More Understanding
More Peaceful
Better Americans
I know it works because I have seen these things improve inside of me as I have seen my social media feed filled with gratitude.
It has made me think twice about what I post.
I have been more aware of my family and how grateful I am for them.
I have been more patient in my speech with others.
It has helped me be more aware of those around me who may need a helping hand.
A focus on gratitude has changed me for the better.
My challenge to you (and especially a reminder to myself) is to focus on what you are grateful for – Every day.
You will be surprised the change you will feel inside your own heart.
It will have profound affects on your family and friends.
It will strengthen your community.
And I also believe that gratitude has the power to heal and unite our country.
We would love to hear about it as well, so feel free to reply to this email and let us know how it impacts you and those around you.
We hope you have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!
Thanks for reading,
Darron Rowley
Founder of 1911 Apparel
If you are interested in the video about Gratitude that I referenced, it can be found here:
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