They Gettsyburg Address
Hello Patriots,
As I have reflected on the past year, I cannot help but think of those who have gone before us.
America is no stranger to struggle and triumph.
Among one of its most notable struggles was the Civil War.
Words from Abraham Lincoln
Taking a few words form the historic Gettysburg Address, Lincoln said:
“The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”
These words bring out a strong sense of patriotism in me.
The battles that took place during this Civil War have had a major impact on American History.
How does this relate to today?
We are the living that Abraham Lincoln was talking about - and we must be dedicated to the unfished work of those who have gone before us.
The word unfinished doesn’t mean their sacrifice wasn’t sufficient – many gave everything - including their lives - for its cause.
Unfinished means that the battle to preserve freedom is ongoing.
The battle for us to be more united continues.
The battle for ALL to be free to pursue their dream and happiness is a noble cause.
As patriots, we should all be concerned and involved in preserving these precious rights for ourselves and others.
It is our duty to dedicate ourselves to the cause that they fought so hard to preserve.
Thanks for reading,
Darron Rowley
Founder of Freedom Elements
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