Be Honest and True
I had a thought today and wanted to share it with you.
I heard it while I was listening to a song – some of you may even recognize it.
It said:
Don’t tell a lie, don’t be false and untrue – it all comes back to you.
Be the Light
As I pondered this lyric, I couldn’t help but think, “what would the world look like if everyone adhered to this principle of honesty?”
We live in a time of much deceit and dishonesty - but that doesn’t have to be true for each of us.
My thought and challenge for each of us is to practice complete honesty.
Imagine what that one act alone would do for our lives and those we have impact on!
We can't change the darkness in this world by ourselves, but we can be a light amongst it.
Let’s be the change we want to see in the world!
Darron Rowley
Founder of Freedom Elements
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