How Will History Judge Your Actions
What is your legacy? How will history view your contributions?
No matter what your contribution looks like - you may even view it as insignificant - what matters is the stance you take.
What is your legacy? How will history view your contributions?
No matter what your contribution looks like - you may even view it as insignificant - what matters is the stance you take.
It’s one thing to hold a particular belief, but it’s something entirely different to be involved in its defense - to actually be in the arena.
It’s vital that each of us are actively involved - we can't sit this one out. If you are already engaged, double down.
We are being lied to by the media, politicians, school boards, entertainment outlets, churches, etc.
The way forward, if a politician wants to have the hearts of the American people, is by being real – that’s the only thing that will work.
Have we chosen God – as Joshua did?
Are we defending truth and freedom – as Patrick did?
Or are we unsure?
That pride in a country – or as we refer to it, patriotism – is more than just an excitement for the cause of freedom.
“If a people truly desire freedom, they must first find it through breaking the chains of slavery in their own individual lives!” – Darron Rowley